Proposed advertising plan for Yuengling Lager. No affiliation with Yuengling Breweries. The University of Georgia.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

How to Advertise to Consumers Who Don't Want to Be Advertised To

        Millennials and craft beer consumers are equally perplexing; they love the latest and best craft beer styles and flavors but don't care to be advertised how do you inform and get your product message across without "advertising"? 
         Social media is key for this demographic; the more the advertiser can utilize the consumers as content creators the more effective the campaign. Consumer created content gives the product credibility, saves oodles of advertising budget money and engages in two way consumer/producer communication that has become so vital in effective modern advertising. Instagram is the perfect platform for capturing millennials; hashtags provide essentially free impressions and allows the message to reach more consumers. Instagram photos allow the quality of the product to speak for itself, because at the end of the day, millennials are willing to spend a little extra dough to get a superior quality product. Paradoxically, millennials are willing to spend more money on a product but aren't seduced by the physical product itself- they are in it for the ride. They are more willing to buy the experience over the actual product you are selling. Focus on selling a lifestyle or a state of mind. Old Spice doesn't sell deodorant and body spray, it sells sex. Taco bell $1 All Day Campaign doesn't sell tacos, they sell everyday decadence. Charlotte Tilbury doesn't sell perfume, she sells style. Grey Goose Vodka doesn't sell vodka, it sells adventure and Yuengling doesn't sell beer, it sells camaraderie,  happiness and the enjoyment of life's simple luxuries. Push the adventure of what your brand promises above all else, because life is all about the experience. Check out the links below to some of my favorite all time commercials that sell the experience. 

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