Proposed advertising plan for Yuengling Lager. No affiliation with Yuengling Breweries. The University of Georgia.

The Dream Team

Elizabeth Sayers
I am a fourth year advertising student at the University of Georgia. I worked for American Campus Communities this past year as a Community Assistant, ran The Standard's advertising and social media and earned The Standard over a million dollars in leasing contracts. I have coordinated, organized and directed 3 national advertising campaigns for Schick Razors and worked on the Creative Executive Team for The Odyssey Newspaper for 2 years. I was a staff write for The Odyssey for 3 years and have one of the most shared articles in the history of the paper. I was the Public Relations Co-Chair for Delta Delta Delta and also have my private pilot's license.
Elizabeth Sayers Linkedln

James Gillespie
I take mad pics.

Ross Waters
I am a third year advertising student at the University of Georgia. I have previous work experience at Mellow Mushroom, worked as a camp counselor and am an Eagle Scout. I also enjoy fine charcuterie.

Emily Fletcher

Mitchell Gibson
I am a UGA Advertising major with dreams of one day escaping to the woods and living there forever (available for bookings)
Jake Peterson

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