Proposed advertising plan for Yuengling Lager. No affiliation with Yuengling Breweries. The University of Georgia.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Cheers to the Ladies!

"In ancient civilizations, women brewed for their families and sold of the excess to others nearby. Beer in Ancient Egypt was almost solely produced and sold by women, and when the U.S. was first colonized women were the primary brewers. Producing beer made from ingredients like corn, oats, wheat, and honey. Brewing didn't become a male dominated industry until the Industrial Revolution, when the potential business opportunities were realized" 
(Craft Beer & Women). 

          Beer commercials are typically targeted towards men but what about the women? The consumption index of female beer drinkers is relatively low but according to consumer shopping reports, the numbers are steadily increasing! How will this affect the marketing and advertising of a product historically marketed towards one gender? With increasing numbers of women consuming beer, specifically craft beer, beer companies are missing a potentially untapped market of consumers! Women consist of 25% of beer drinkers in the U.S. and although databases like MRI show women still as a statistically insignificant market, it cannot be denied that there is definite potential! Among women, ages 21-35 are the heaviest beer drinkers, and by focusing more beer commercials toward women in this age segment, companies like Yuengling could convert them into lifelong consumers! 37% of lager beer consumption is women, after all! The Brewers Association reports that among Millenials, 41% of them are weekly beer drinkers and 57% are weekly craft beer drinkers! The numbers don't lie! Beer companies should spend more of their advertising budget to capture this new and growing market of young female beer drinkers! Cheers to the ladies!


"Craft Beer & Women." A Look at Craft Beer and Women Awesome Infographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.

"UGA Libraries Off-Campus Login." Mintel. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2017. <>.

"Today's Craft Beer Lovers: Millennials, Women and Hispanics." Brewers Association. N.p., 15 Aug. 2016. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.

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